Help the Foundation Through Operation RoundUp®
There are many non-profits in need of assistance, but it is difficult for one individual to reach them all. That is why Powder River Energy Corporation (PRECorp) has made it easy for members to make small, individual contributions that affect their communities in a big way.
Operation RoundUp® gathers voluntary contributions from participating co-op members by “rounding up” their monthly bills to the next dollar – resulting in an average contribution of roughly $6 per year, per account.
A lot of small change can equal a big impact and contributions collected will be awarded to non-profits and civic organizations in our PRECorp communities. The funds are administered through the Powder River Energy Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to help maximize the effectiveness of a member’s individual contributions by combining them with the contributions of others and distributing them throughout our PRECorp communities.
Making it easier for members to donate by taking care of administrative details is a big benefit of the Operation RoundUp® program, but the best part is the “neighbor helping neighbor” concept upon which our electric cooperative was founded in 1945. Just as the early pioneers of electricity in northeast Wyoming formed an electric cooperative to provide power to all, Operation RoundUp® brings together individual members to provide assistance to community organizations in need.
Signing up is easy! Check the enrollment box on the Powder River Energy Corporation bill, call the member service department at 1-800-442-3630 or enroll today. Members may also sign up online, by printing out the Operation RoundUp® Sign Up form or by checking the blue box on their bill.